Commuter Rewards Savings

What does your commute cost?

Driving solo can really add up—not only in fuel costs, maintenance, and repair—but on the toll it takes on our earth. The changes you make in your daily commute will not only impact your wallet but the effects on global warming too.

Commute Cost:

Based on the data you provided, your financial cost when driving alone is (Source: AAA "Your Driving Costs 2011"):

[column col="1/3"]
Daily Cost:
$[php]echo $_POST["trueDaily"];[/php]

[column col="1/3"]
Monthly Cost:
$[php]echo $_POST["trueMonthly"];[/php]

[column col="1/3" last="true"]
Yearly Cost:
$[php]echo $_POST["trueYearly"];[/php]

How can you save?

Ridesharing can cut your monthly commute costs by half or more.

Your expenses are reduced when you carpool—check it out!

[column col="1/2"]Your solo commute costs:[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"]$[php]echo $_POST["trueMonthly"];[/php][/column]

[column col="1/2"]Carpooling with 1 person:[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"]$[php]echo $_POST["Savings1"];[/php][/column]

[column col="1/2"]Carpooling with 2 people:[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"]$[php]echo $_POST["Savings2"];[/php][/column]

[column col="1/2"]Carpooling with 3 people:[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"]$[php]echo $_POST["Savings3"];[/php][/column]

How does your commute contribute to greenhouse emissions?

Transportation vehicles are the single largest contributors to CO2 and other greenhouse emissions. The type of car and the amount of fuel that burns in your vehicle can make a big difference in the sum of global warming.

CO2 Emissions

The production of CO2 in:

[column col="1/2"]Your Vehicle: (according to the data you provided)[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"][php]echo $_POST["coYou"];[/php] lbs per month[/column]

[column col="1/2"]Small Car (30 MPG):[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"][php]echo $_POST["coSmall"];[/php] lbs per month[/column]

[column col="1/2"]Midsize (21 MPG):[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"][php]echo $_POST["coMid"];[/php] lbs per month[/column]

[column col="1/2"]Large Car (16 MPG):[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"][php]echo $_POST["coLarge"];[/php] lbs per month[/column]

[column col="1/2"]Truck / SUV (12 MPG):[/column]
[column col="1/2" last="true"][php]echo $_POST["coTruck"];[/php] lbs per month[/column]

Source: U.S. EPA Personal Emissions Calculator for Greenhouse Gases

How much does your commute pollute?

The average vehicle pollutes .04 pounds/mile on an average daily commute.

Pollution Output:
Based on your commute data, your vehicle generates this much pollution
[column col="1/3"]
Daily Output:
[php]echo $_POST["od"];[/php] lbs

[column col="1/3"]
Monthly Output:
[php]echo $_POST["om"];[/php] lbs

[column col="1/3" last="true"]
Yearly Output:
[php]echo $_POST["oy"];[/php] lbs
These figures include reactive organic gases, carbon monoxide emissions, nitrogen oxide, PM10, and sulfur dioxides.

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