Delaware Commute Solutions is a FREE commuter services program of DART First State. We work with employers, employees, colleges, and students to improve air quality and reduce traffic congestion by championing clean commutes, including:
Carpooling & Vanpooling
Compressed Work Weeks
How We Can Help You
We make it easier for you to take a clean commute to work or college by helping you plan a way that works for you. You’ll get to track the miles, money, and pollution you save with your commute. Plus, you’ll get in on great rewards like monthly drawings!
For Commuters: When you join Delaware Commute Solutions you’ll get FREE member benefits
For Employers & Colleges: Join us and get FREE partner benefits, plus benefits for your employees or students.
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024 and New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2024 – DART will operate regular weekday services statewide. SEPTA Wilmington/Newark Line train will
On Monday, November 11, DART is offering free rides to Veterans on all Statewide bus services. Veterans displaying a Veteran’s ID card (this would also