Bike or Walk

Pedal or Step Your Way to Savings

An active commute like biking or walking is the least expensive and most beneficial commute.  Biking or walking to work means:

  • Zero emissions from your commute – reduce 1.2 pounds of carbon monoxide pollution for every mile you don’t drive
  • Big savings (walking is free!) on maintenance, insurance, parking, and gym fees
  • Health benefits – here are 8 benefits to biking, according to
  • Free commuter plans – including bike routes from Delaware Commute Solutions
  • Save time – combine your daily workout with your daily commute

Make it a Combo Commute: If your commute is too far away to ride your bicycle comfortably, remember that cycling a portion of the way is also an option. DART First State buses are equipped with bicycle racks, and bike lockers are also located at designated Park and Ride lots, making it easy to take transit the remainder of the way if you wish to leave your bike behind. Learn about the Bicycle Locker Program and DART’s Bus Bicycle Racks at DART First State.

Delaware Commute Solutions registered commuters are eligible for Guaranteed Ride Home. If an unexpected event (like unscheduled overtime or an illness) happens on a day that you share the ride to work and keeps you from taking your normal ride home, you will be reimbursed for the alternate transportation you take home, up to five times a year.

Register now, record your trip and redeem your points for rewards.

Get a Biking or Walking Buddy

Register to find out if there are others who share your commute to work – studies show that active commuters that walk or bike together are more likely to keep it up!

Bicycling Resources

DelDOT, in cooperation with bicycle shops and organizations throughout the region, publishes a bike map for both New Castle and Kent & Sussex Counties. To order your FREE bike map, call the Division of Tourism at 1-800-441-8846, or contact the DelDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator.

If you’re interested in bikeway networks that everyone can use to get where they want to go on a bike, contact Bike Delaware. Their mission is to make bicycling a safe, fun, and convenient transportation option by working in partnership with government, businesses, and community groups. Check out their Calendar of Events and get involved in Delaware’s bicycle community!

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