Bike Rack Loading Instructions

1. LOWER THE RACK If another bike is in position, the rack will already be lowered. If the bike rack is full, please wait for the next bus. 2. PLACE BIKE IN RACK’S WHEEL WELL If yours is the only bike being loaded, place in the position nearest the bus. 3. SWING THE BIKE SUPPORT … Read more

DART’s Daily Beach Bus Service Starts on June 29, 2020

As the summer tourism season finally begins, DART’s daily Beach Bus service will be on the streets in full force, serving Rehoboth Beach and the Boardwalk, Lewes, Long Neck, Dewey Beach, Bethany Beach, South Bethany Beach, Fenwick Island, Ocean City, MD, Millsboro and Georgetown.

Webinar Info Series

Telework Series RideShare Delaware will be hosting a Telework Series. The series will be a collection of webinars held weekly to address the different functions of working from home. Each webinar will address different topics of teleworking, that can apply to employers and employees along with a quick review on tips. Topics such as: Creating … Read more

One Year Later: Celebrating the Launch of DART Pass

DART celebrates the anniversary of the launch of DART Pass, DART’s free mobile fare payment app. With DART Pass, riders can conveniently pay their bus fare from their phones. The app displays a digital pass on the phone’s screen, eliminating the need for a paper ticket or cash. Available on the free DART Transit app, DART Pass is convenient, easy to use and allows for faster boarding, enhancing the customer experience.

DARTCard Outlets

DARTCards can be purchased at the outlets listed. Please note that outlets are subject to change without notice. For outlets days and hours of operations, please call the phone numbers listed below.
For more information call 302-576-6021.

Bank of America Named 2019 Air Quality Awareness Champion

RideShare Delaware and The Air Quality Partnership of Delaware announced the 2019 Air Quality Awareness Champion during the Wilmington Earth Day Celebration on April 17, at Rodney Square. Bank of America received the 2nd Annual Air Quality Champion Award because of their sustainability efforts, specifically in the area of transportation. Read more to see some of Bank of America’s sustainability stand-outs.

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