DART Service Changes in Kent & New Castle Counties Start July 15, 2012

Wilmington — Lauren Skiver, Executive Director of the Delaware Transit Corporation for the Delaware Department of Transportation, announced that changes to DART First State fixed route bus service in Kent and New Castle Counties will become effective July 15, 2012.

Below are the changes by county. *** indicates a change from or an addition to the original proposal based on public comments:

***New Castle County:
All routes originally proposed to no longer serve Rodney Square will continue their normal route patterns; however, the detour for the Rodney Square King St. bus stop will remain in effect during construction.

Minor time changes

Route 1; the first trip will be extended to begin at Tri-State Mall at 4:54 AM to alleviate overcrowding.

Route 4; four trips will no longer serve Agilent Technologies (6:45 AM, 7:53 AM, 3:25 PM, 4:43 PM), but will continue to serve the stop on Centerville Rd. at the entrance. These trips will then be extended to Prices Corner. In the reverse direction, new stops will be served along Centerville Rd.

Route 12; route will be extended to the Riverfront, providing weekday service from 6 AM to 11 PM. The bus will not serve Wilmington Amtrak Station on its way to the Riverfront (passengers can access the station from the bus stop on 2nd Street at French St.), but will serve it coming back from the Riverfront. Mid-day frequency to the Riverfront will be every 30 minutes; Saturday service will be expanded to the Riverfront hourly until 8 PM.

***Route 17; of the four low performing trips that were proposed for elimination from Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution, only the 9:24 AM will be discontinued.

Route 20; Service will be added to Chestnut Run at 6:50 AM, 7:16 AM, 4:10 PM; and discontinued at 3:38 PM.

***Route 24; no changes to route path as originally proposed.

Route 25; Service to Delaware City will be discontinued on the following low performing weekday trips: 9:10 AM, 9:40 AM, 10:05 AM, 7:28 PM, 8:29 PM; From Delaware City at 9:46 AM, 7:29 PM, 8:38 PM, and 10:33 PM.

Route 31 Newark Trolley; bus route will be discontinued due to historically low ridership.

Route 32 Wilmington Trolley; the Riverfront will now be served by Route 12. The Trolley will continue to serve Market St. from 13th Street to 2nd St. with increased frequencies and will now serve Amtrak Station, every 10 minutes on weekdays; every 20 minutes on Saturdays.

Kent County:
Route 104; minor time changes

Route 106; route will no longer serve Base Housing, but will continue serving the stop at the entrance of Dover Air Force Base Visitors Center.

Route 107; the alignment through Clearview Meadows will be discontinued, eliminating the bus stop at Luther Village.

Intercounty Service:
Route 301; minor time changes.

For information on fixed route services statewide, please call 1-800-652-DART or visit www.DartFirstState.com. For media inquiries, please call DART Marketing at 302-576-6003 or 6005.

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