DART’s Annual Poster Contest Info – Enter now!

“Don’t Text and Drive! Commute Smart, Ride DART” is the theme for DART First State’s 12th Annual Transit Poster Contest. Open to students in Grades 6 through 12, the contest is designed to encourage students to learn more about public transportation and its benefits, as well as the chance to see their artwork featured by DART First State in various advertisements, promotions, or displays.

Printable details and contest instructions.

With statewide efforts and local communities continuing to educate on the dangers of texting, or using your phone while driving, DART wants to use the opportunity to inform and promote the advantages of using public transit. Increased awareness of Delaware’s Public Transit system informs new and current commuters, that riding DART can be a wise choice. To be eligible, students must be in the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade and posters must be submitted by March 16, 2012 to:

DART First State Poster Contest
Marketing Dept.
119 Lower Beech Street
Wilmington, DE 19805

Pencils, crayons, markers or paint can be used to create a poster on 8½”x 11″ paper or poster board. On the reverse side of the poster, students should include their name, address, age and grade level, school or organization name and address and teacher/advisor name and phone number. Prizes and certificates will be provided by DART First State and its business partners.

Interested schools are being asked to conduct the contest within the appropriate grade levels at the school, and forward the entries to DART First State for judging. Individuals who wish to enter apart from their school may do so as long as they are in grades 6 through 12. For details and contest instructions please call 302.576.6016.

The Delaware Transit Corporation, a subsidiary of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), operates as DART First State. DART First State is Delaware’s bus, train, and intermodal transportation provider. Services include contracted, state-funded SEPTA commuter trains, intercounty bus, fixed route bus, Paratransit, seasonal resort bus, commuter assistance, Operation Lifesaver rail crossing safety and trespasser awareness programs, and the RideShare Delaware ridematching program. DART First State provides more than 12 million passenger trips annually, including 1.1 million commuter train trips. For information on all fixed route services statewide, please call 800.652.DART. Paratransit reservations and GoLink information is available at 800.553.DART. For media inquiries, please call DelDOT Public Relations at 302.760.2080 or visit deldot.gov.

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Thankful Commuter Contest!

Tell us why you’re a Thankful Commuter and you’ll be entered to win the Prize Basket!