DelDOT Commute Stats to Date
Trips Recorded
Reduced Miles VMT
Reduced Trips
Reduced CO2 (lbs)
Gallons of Gas Saved
Leader Board - Trips Recorded to Date
Become a Clean Commuter! Secretary Cohan is kicking off the DelDOT Clean Commute Challenge 2020 with a baseball theme. Each clean commute recorded will equal a run and everyone on your Team (each Division of DelDOT) will be improving the environment and congestion on the roadways while helping your team win. This will provide the opportunity to try modes of clean commuting throughout 2020. You have an opportunity to earn Delaware Commute Solutions Rewards, be eligible to win monthly game prizes and help your Team obtain the most Runs on a monthly basis to be awarded MVP for that month. The ultimate Challenge Team winner will become the Hall of Fame Winner.
Each DelDOT employee is encouraged to sign up for Delaware Commute Solutions and complete their profile by visiting or downloading the free Delaware Commute Solutions App. *Once your profile is complete, you can start earning Runs for your Team by recording your clean commutes (transit, carpool, vanpool, walking, biking, telework**, compressed work week**).
All current Clean Commuters who are already registered will automatically be included in the year-long challenge.
Register and sign into your account on the website by selecting the “Register / Report Your Commute” button.
If you have a smartphone you can use the Delaware Commute Solutions app, available on Android and iOS.
Challenge Terms
Recorded clean commutes in the Delaware Commute Solutions program
An individual division within DelDOT
The team with the most runs during a monthly game
Designated lead for a team
Hall of Fame Winner:
The team with the most runs at the end of the year-long Challenge
Bonus Delaware Commute Solutions Rewards:
Extra points given for using an electric staff vehicle throughout the year-long Challenge
Your Coach will be in touch to provide further details and the official start date of the Challenge.
*Contact Delaware Commute Solutions 888-RIDE-MATCH or email with any questions on how to register for Delaware Commute Solutions or assistance with determining your clean commute mode.
** The ability to telework or have a compressed work week is based upon management approval.
Monthly Games
Teams & Coaches
Office of Secretary (OSEC)
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC)
Finance (FIN)
Human Resources (HR)
Maintenance & Operations (M&O)
Division Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Planning (PLAN)
Community Relations (COM REL)
Technology & Innovation Services (T&IS)
Transportation Solution (TRAN SOL)