Frequently Asked Questions

[acc_item title=”Are participants screened?”]No. RideShare Delaware does not check for valid drivers’ license or insurance coverage, nor do we run background checks on our participants. We act solely as a referral service for potential carpoolers and do not assume any liability. We recommend getting to know your potential pool partners prior to the start of your pool.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”What if I have children in different schools?”]You will need to register them individually with our program, as carpool matches are based upon their school location, along with your home starting point.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Are we only matched with parents from our child’s school? “]Participants have the option to match with their same school only, or with others in the search area. By expanding your match search area, you have the potential for more matches.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”What if we only want to pool occasionally, or in emergency situations?”]Remember that carpooling is flexible. You and your partner(s) determine the arrangement that works best for you. [/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”What happens if we don’t have a match?”]If you do not have any rideshare matches when you first register, your name will remain in the database as long as you are interested in finding a rideshare partner. When new commuters enter into your match zone, we will automatically forward their information to you and you can call them at that time.[/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”What if we start ridesharing and it doesn’t work out? “]If your pool doesn’t work out and you want to find a new partner, all you need to do is review your matchlist and try again. If you need a new list, just contact our office. [/acc_item]
[acc_item title=”Do we need to re-register our commute each year?”]Yes. All names are purged from our program at the end of every school year.[/acc_item]

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