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DART to Reinstate All Suspended Service Effective Monday, February 14
DTC is happy to announce that effective, Monday, February 14, 2022, DART will reinstate the remaining service that was suspended last month. The following trips will be restored (PM trips

DART Upcoming Service Change to Become Effective March 20, 2022
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) today announces changes to DART Statewide Bus Services that will become effective Sunday, March 20, 2022. After conducting two virtual Public Hearing Workshops and receiving customer

DART to Partially Reinstate Suspended Service Effective Monday, February 7
DTC is happy to announce that effective, Monday, February 7, 2022, DART will reinstate most of the service that was suspended last month. The following trips will be restored (PM trips in bold type):

Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) is Recognized Nationally as a 2022 Best Workplaces for Commuters
DTC is proud to announce designation as one of 2022’s Best Workplaces for Commuters in the nation for offering employees exceptional commuter benefits.

DART Bus Stop Improvements Benefit Residents of Wilmington’s 2nd District
DART, working with Wilmington Councilwoman Shané Darby, has completed several bus stop improvements
in Wilmington’s 2nd District. Councilwoman Darby contacted DART last spring requesting improvements for
the district’s most heavily used bus stops. Read on for more…