DART’s Memorial Day Schedule 2021

Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, 2021 – DART offers bus service in New Castle County on Routes 2, 4, 5, 6,
13, 15, 33 and 40, using a Sunday schedule and Route 47 will operate on a Saturday schedule, with
Paratransit operating complimentary ADA-only service.

Ride DART’s Beach Bus for High Tides and Good Vibes starting Monday, May 24

Warm weather and sunny skies can only mean one thing; it’s beach season, and with that
comes the start of DART’s Beach Bus! As we get ready to roll out the 2021 summer season,
DART’s daily Beach Bus service will be on the road ready to provide a convenient, safe and
clean ride to visitors and residents.

DART Connect Public Information Sessions

Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) will conduct two virtual Public Information Sessions on Tuesday, March 30 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM and Wednesday, March 31 from 5 PM to 6 PM via Zoom to share information about a new transit service, DART Connect, in and between Georgetown and Millsboro that will launch on Monday, April 12, 2021.

Upcoming DART Service and Fare Changes Effective February 14, 2021

After receiving rider feedback at several outdoor Community Conversations and a virtual Public Hearing Workshop, DART has approved the service and fare changes to become effective February 14, 2021. Bold Type indicates a change from or an addition to the original proposal based on public comments. NEW CASTLE COUNTY DART bus service will be impacted … Read more

Próximos Cambios en las Tarifas y El Servicio de DART Efectivo el 14 de febrero de 2021

Después de recibir comentarios de los pasajeros en varias conversaciones comunitarias al aire libre y un taller de audiencia pública virtual, DART aprobó los cambios en el servicio y la tarifa que entrarán en vigencia el 14 de febrero de 2021. Las letras en negrita indican un cambio o una adición a la propuesta original basada en comentarios públicos.

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