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Relaunch of DART Adopt-A-Shelter Program
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) announces the relaunch of the DART Adopt-A-Shelter program. The primary focus of the program is to enlist schools, community organizations and business partners to assist in providing attractive and inviting bus shelters for our customers.

Proposed Changes to DART Bus Services
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) invites you to attend an upcoming Public Hearing Workshops to obtain comments on proposed changes to DART Statewide Fixed Route Bus Services to become effective Sunday, May 17, 2020.

Delaware’s Climate Action Plan Public Workshops
Help shape Delaware’s Future! With the changes in climate, Delawareans are experiencing changes through the state. What are your ideas, suggestions and opinion about what Delaware should do!

DART First State – Best Work Places 2020
Dart First State has been nationally recognized as one of Best Workplaces for Commuters!

DART Service Change Approved for Dec 15, 2019
After statewide Public Hearing Workshops, DART listened to its riders and the public; as a result changes were made to the original proposal. The “Bold type” indicates a change from or an addition to the original proposal based on public comments. New schedules will be available online and on buses in early December. Read for more information.

Notice of Public Hearing Workshops for Proposed Changes to DART Bus Services
Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) will conduct Public Hearing Workshops to obtain comments on proposed
changes to DART Statewide Fixed Route Bus Services to become effective Sunday,
December 15, 2019. Read on for more information.